Between long hours at work, endless housework, and the kids' school, extracurricular activities, friend’s birthday parties, and on and on it goes, it can be exhausting just *thinking* about trying to fit in a workout let alone actually doing one. But what if we told you that you didn’t have to make extra room in that already ridiculously packed schedule of yours? We put together 5 exercises for moms on the go (aka you) that will get you fit, are super fun, and take your mind off of, well, everything!!
courtesy of Self Magazine
Toddler Calisthenics
We all know how *impossible* it is to get in a workout - or even have the energy for it - when having a toddler. So why not make them a part of your routine? Here are 3 of our favorite exercises you can do, but really, the options are endless!
- Push-ups: Have your toddler lie right underneath you, and for every push-up you do, they get a smooch.
- Ab Crunches: Place your toddler on your stomach, bend your knees, and then roll up and down. The added weight will act as resistance and will increase the calories you burn.
- The High Pull: Place your toddler on the floor, come into a squat position with your hands on their sides, and lift your toddler up to your face. With a toddler weighing on average 27lbs, you are without a doubt going to tone those arms faster than your toddler can change moods.
courtesy of The New Indian Express
Splish Splash
Think back to what you do after you take your kids to swim lessons. Maybe you catch up on emails, scroll through Facebook, get your grocery list together. While this down time is oh-so-needed, you can also use this as time to workout. Swimming builds endurance, muscle strength and tones the entire body, plus it has been known to help reduce anxiety and depression.
Swimming not an option? Do a quick workout in the fitness area or take a yoga class. Whatever you do, just be sure to get moving!
courtesy of The Daily Mail
Crawling Reinvented
If you have a toddler or dare to reminisce back to the days when your child was one, you know that you basically live on the floor. And since you’re already down there, you might as well get something out of it! Try this plank variation that works to tighten your ab muscles and strengthen your arms and legs.
- Start on all fours with your knees directly beneath your hips and your palms beneath your shoulders.
- Draw your abs up and in and lift your knees a few inches off the floor, being careful not to raise your hips.
- Keep your spine straight and your core strong as you walk your hands forward to move into an extended plank, hands a few inches in front of your shoulders.
courtesy of Wife Knows
Stroller Jogging
Raise your hand if you have (1) more than one child and (2) if they are under the age of five. We hear ya, Mama - exercise is only but a dream. Well, not anymore! Enter: the jogging stroller. This is the perfect way for you to get in a workout, and it works amazingly at putting the kids to sleep.
Running not your thing? Try power walking. It can burn up to 75% of the calories compared to running without the worry of a knee replacement or having to break out the paper bag.
Check out these 6 Highest Rated Jogging Strollers.
Get Rolling
Remember those days of yesteryear when you would ride your bike all over town or rollerblade at your school’s annual roller skating party? Well, we are bringing it B A C K! Not only is this SO.MUCH.FUN, but your entire family can get in on it too! Bike to get fro-yo, rollerblade to the playdate - the list of adventures if forever long! Plus, it’s a great way to tire out your kids so bedtime is that much earlier :)